Get the Best Solution of Cough in Ayurveda

On a beautiful rainy morning, who doesn’t appreciate a cup of steaming hot coffee? Everybody does it! However, this season also carries a tale of woe: Cold & Cough. Even if you have a mild common cold, going about your everyday activities can be difficult. Coughing is a frequent reflex action that can occur when a viral particle enters your airways. Aside from seasonal changes, other variables can induce coughing and colds. Seasonal and environmental allergies are among the leading causes of colds and coughs. Luckily, Ayurvedic syrup for cough and cold effectively treats the condition and stays away from them.

Signs and Symptoms of Cough and Cold

The following are the common signs and symptoms of cough and cold.

  • Frequent and dry cough
  • Headache
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Burning sensation
  • Mouth dryness
  • Voice hoarseness

Ayurvedic remedies to treat colds and coughs at Home

Aside from the best ayurvedic cough syrup, some basic Ayurveda cures can help you feel better. An imbalance in any of the three doshas, namely Vata, pitta, and Kapha, can cause illness, according to Ayurveda. An overabundance of Pitta and Kapha in the body causes nasal congestion and coughing in this scenario. The throat is frequently the first part of your body to be affected by a change in weather. It’s also a symptom that your immune system isn’t up to par. That’s not good news in the middle of the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak. As a result, we expect you to take these seemingly insignificant matters carefully. To be honest, when it comes to soothing your throat and nasal area, nothing beats Ayurvedic herbs.

Here are some ayurvedic remedies for fever and to manage your cold and cough:

1. Tulsi

Tulsi is recognized as “Mother Medicine of Nature” and “The Queen of Herbs” in Ayurveda. Tulsi leaves boost an individual’s ability to fight off common colds and coughs.

How does it work?

Tulsi stimulates the formation of antibodies, avoiding the beginning of illnesses. Tulsi has anti-coughing effects. It helps clear the airways by allowing you to cough up the sticky mucus.

2. Honey

Honey’s antibacterial characteristics make it delightful for your taste senses and help relieve sore throats.

How does it work?

Honey relieves chest congestion by releasing thick mucus and allowing you to cough it up. This aids in the reduction of wet cough.

3. Mulethi (Mulethia)

Mulethi or Licorice, often known as “Sweet Wood,” is an Ayurvedic cough remedy. Mulethi powder can help with sore throats, coughs, and excessive mucus production in the airway.

How does it work?

Mulethi has an expectorant effect. It thins and loosens mucus in the airways. This relieves coughing and congestion.

4. Pippali

Pippali is a powerful cough and cold remedy. According to studies, it relieves headaches and congestion caused by the common cold.

How does it work?

Pippali loosens mucus and aids in coughing it up, allowing the patient to breathe more freely. This is because it has an expectorant property.

5. Sonth

Dry ginger, also known as sonth, sukku, or soonth, is a common ingredient in herbal cough syrups. When combined with honey, sonth acts as a calming cure for coughs and colds.

How does it work?

Certain compounds in sonth have anti-inflammatory effects. This relieves sore throat.

6. Cinnamon

This woody aromatic spice has many health advantages, one of which being relief from colds and coughs. Cinnamon is effective for soothing a sore throat as well as a common cold.

How does it work?

Cinnamon has been shown to have antiviral properties. It fights against the virus responsible for cough and common cold. It also possesses anti-inflammatory qualities, which aid in alleviating a sore throat.

7. Giloy

Giloy has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves and is also known as Amrita or Guduchi in Hindi. It aids in treating colds and coughs caused by allergic reactions to pollution, smoke, or pollen. Besides this, it is quite helpful for treating tonsillitis as well as the common cold. Plus, for boosting immunity, nothing can beat Giloy.

How does it work?

Giloy is an anti-inflammatory agent. This aids in the relief of frequent coughing and sore throat.

Solution of Cough in Ayurveda

The solution of cough in Ayurveda is mild and gentle. Shuddhi Ayurveda’s Vish Har Ras is the best Ayurvedic cough syrup. It will assist you in combating a variety of diseases and viruses. It improves your immunity and aids in the treatment of Malaria, Dengue Fever, and Heart Disease. Besides this, Vish Har Ras by Shuddhi Ayurveda also helps in various ways. These benefits are:

  • Malaria and Dengue Fever Treatment
  • Relieve coughing.
  • Defend yourself from infections
  • Controlling fever is a wonderful cold and flu medicine.
  • Helps with skin disorders.
  • Protects you from allergies.
  • As a liver tonic, it’s been used for a long time.
  • It naturally increases immunity and protects against fatal viruses by preventing kidney stones from developing.
  • Lowers the chances of heart disease.
  • Antifungal qualities keep skin issues at bay.
  • fantastic blood purifier.

An Overview of Diabetes home remedy in Ayurvedic Perspective

Diabetes, according to Ayurveda, is an illness characterized by excessive urination. Many similar disorders are described in Ayurveda in relation to the three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Diabetes is the most common of these disorders. Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus are two subtypes of the disease. Diabetes is recognized as a serious condition that is frequently difficult to cure due to the multiple problems it may cause and the organs it might impact. There is, thankfully, diabetes Remedy in Ayurveda. Of course, there is no permanent treatment for diabetes; nevertheless, Ayurvedic approaches can assist control it.

Causes of Diabetes

A poor diet is one of the key causes of diabetes, according to Ayurveda. Diets high in sweets, sugar, dairy products, fat, bread and alcohol are considered unhealthy and should be avoided. Diabetes can also be induced by obesity, excessive sleep, a lack of exercise, stress, anxiety, or even inheritance in certain situations.

Common signs and symptoms

The following are some common diabetes symptoms:

  • Rapid Weight reduction
  • hazy vision
  • Infections of the skin
  • heightened thirst
  • Uncontrollable Hunger sensations
  • Wounds heal gradually.
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Frequent urination

Diabetes in Ayurvedic Perceptions

Diabetes is referred to as Madumeha in Ayurveda, which literally means “sweet urine.” It refers to a spike in blood sugar levels, resulting in excess sugar in the urine. ‘Dhatupaka Janya Vikruti’ is also mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures concerning Ayurvedic therapy for diabetes. This is the negative impact of elevated blood sugar levels on other body tissues. The writings also mention a tendency to inherit the sickness. According to Ayurveda, Ojas is the fundamental essence of life. When this is gone, the energy of all body processes is lost. Diabetes is frequently referred to as Ojomeha, or the loss of Ojas through the urine because Ojas is lost through the urine.

Dosha Responsible for Diabetes

Ayurveda believes that a human constitution is based on Doshas. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three Doshas. Vata is the dry and airy dosha, Pitta is the fiery dosha, and Kapha is the chilly, slimy, and heavy dosha. Each Dosha imbalance creates health problems that are connected to the imbalance. Diabetes is caused by a Kapha Dosha imbalance. Being a Kapha dominant individual, on the other hand, does not automatically imply diabetes. Diabetes can develop if the Kapha dominance is not counterbalanced by a proper diet and lifestyle. When the Kapha Dosha is out of equilibrium and combined with a weak Agni, the metabolism slows down. This leads to issues with the body’s sugar levels being too high.

Types of Diabetes in Ayurveda

Diabetes is divided into two categories according to Ayurveda: Avarana and Dhatuksyaya. The first type occurs when the body’s pathways are obstructed by increased Kapha Dosha or other tissues. This is the most common reason for adult-onset diabetes. Dhatus is the Ayurvedic term for body tissues. When these tissues are harmed or exhausted, the second form of diabetes develops. This is the most common cause of juvenile diabetes.

Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Diabetes

Allopathic medicines can sometimes be too much for a person to bear, and they may require a mild and effective experience to see the desired result. Patients frequently seek an Ayurvedic home remedy for diabetes since Ayurveda is believed to be a comprehensive treatment that prevents illnesses from entering the body. Many Ayurvedic herbal components are popular in Indian cuisine. Knowing the advantages of each herb also provides a better knowledge of how particular Ayurvedic formulations aid in Ayurvedic diabetes therapy. Some of the most important components used in Ayurveda for diabetes include:

  • Amla
  • Triphala
  • Cinnamon
  • Garlic
  • Shilajeet
  • Fenugreek
  • Fresh Bilva leaves

While there is no traditional treatment for diabetes, you may still use Ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as a unique Ayurvedic diet, to treat the major symptoms. An Ayurvedic lifestyle lessens the impact of diabetes on your body and helps you to live a more holistic and healthy lifestyle.

A complete Ayurvedic practice involves getting up at six o’clock in the morning, scraping your tongue to get rid of any digestive waste (also known as ama), and then taking Ayurvedic diabetic medications. You will need to consume bitter gourd juice in addition to the medications since it includes powerful anti-diabetic qualities.

Shuddhi Ayurveda – The Best Diabetes Remedy in Ayurveda

Shuddhi Ayurveda is a leading brand that offers the best Ayurvedic Remedy for diabetes. Although it won’t cure the disease, it is quite effective to control it. Shuddhi Diabetes Care Package is the most effective diabetes treatment in Ayurveda that helps in more than just reducing blood sugar levels. It also helps reduce blood pressure and has diuretic and anti-diabetic effects, and suppresses sugar cravings. Besides this, this effective Ayurvedic package aids in the relief of chronic constipation, acidity, headaches, and a burning feeling in the eyes.

It contains a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It contains Divya DM supplements, Dr Immune tablets, and 32 herbs tea. All these ingredients are made of 100% Ayurvedic herbs under the supervision of Ayurvedic experts.

The Diabetes Care Package by Shuddhi Ayurveda helps in lowering the blood sugar levels and can help in overall Diabetes treatment. The objective is to regulate sugar in a holistic and natural way, which may be accomplished by using Ayurvedic techniques and medications; of course, speak with your Ayurvedic practitioner before using any form of medication, natural or otherwise.

Shed Stubborn Fats with Ayurvedic Remedies for Weight Loss

We all love to have a flat belly and a slim body, don’t we? But, the fact is that it is extremely difficult to get rid of belly fat. But, don’t fret, help is around the corner. There are very effective Ayurvedic remedies for weight loss that we can follow to cut off the stubborn fat deposits from our stomach region. If you want to get rid of excessive weight holistically, then these are the ideal natural methods to follow.

Why Do we Gain Weight?

There are a few reasons why we gather fat around the abdominal region and put on extra weight, let’s have a quick look:

  1. Unhealthy diet
  2. Oversleeping
  3. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise
  4. Indisciplined living
  5. Some medical conditions
  6. Hormonal imbalances

Fat accumulates in the body and metabolism is affected. Because of the increase of fat tissues, the channels that influence digestion get blocked and the body starts gaining weight.

Underweight and overweight both are severe problems. Furthermore, obesity increases the chances of a heart attack. It also leads to lifestyle diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and strokes. Belly fat can be reduced to a great extent with the best remedy for weight loss. If you want to make a fit and shapely body, make sure you lose excess weight and belly fat. You can try out the Shuddhi weight loss package by to lose weight naturally. The nourishing herbs in the package help get rid of belly fat.

Herbal Remedies for Weight Loss:

Ayurveda offers some beneficial herbal remedies for weight loss that can help get rid of stubborn belly fat. If these herbal remedies are taken, with a well-balanced diet, and regular exercise, weight loss is definite. The fact is that any food that increases metabolic activity in the body helps reduce weight. Let us take the example of cold water and hot water. Hot water helps in weight loss, but cold water, on the other hand, reduces digestive capacity and makes it difficult to lose weight. Other similar home remedies that cut the flab are:

  1. Ginger and black pepper: Ginger and black pepper boost metabolism. These spices are very helpful in cutting excess fatty deposits. Black pepper is the storehouse of fiber and healthy fats. It is, in fact, loaded with Potassium, calcium, sodium, Vitamins K, A, and C. Add it in plenty to your food and beverages.
  2. Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel juice has active compounds that help a person detoxify and shed weight easily. Aloe vera has acemannan, a complex carbohydrate that aids weight loss by boosting metabolic activity in the body.
  3. Fenugreek: It may taste bitter, but fenugreek has immense health benefits. Fenugreek has Galactomannan that helps control the desire for food. The beneficial green leaves also add fullness to the stomach and support digestion. Even the seeds of fenugreek improve metabolic activity if taken on an empty stomach.
  4. Guggul contains Guggulsterone which increases metabolic activity, and this helps in weight loss. Guggul also helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
  5. Kalonji: Kalonji is fiber-rich and controls obesity. In fact, it helps in detoxification and weight loss. The toxins in the body need to be excreted, but the body needs electrolytes, essential vitamins, and minerals. Water retention is often the cause of weight gain. Kalonji helps reduce fat deposits and improves digestion.
  6. Triphala: Triphala is a great detoxifying herbal agent. The herb powder helps throw out toxins from the body naturally, thereby rejuvenating the digestion. Triphala has revitalizing and cleansing properties and is made from amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki.
  7. Cinnamon: Cinnamon stimulates metabolism and, in this way, assists in reducing the fat deposits in the body. The spice contains cinnamaldehyde which metabolizes fatty, visceral tissue to reduce belly fat. So flavor your tea with cinnamon.
  8. Vijaysagar: The bark of this tree can help shed weight and also controls lifestyle disorders like obesity and diabetes. You can improve digestion with the help of this natural substance.
  9. Carom seeds or ajwain: Ajwain is a great detoxifying agent that contains plenty of antioxidants. Water boiled with ajwain works wonders for body metabolism.
  10. Honey and amla: honey and amla juice or honey and lemon juice early in the morning works as a metabolic booster. This combination has plenty of essential vitamins and minerals and boosts immunity.

Ayurveda- the best remedy for weight loss:

Natural remedies for weight loss are very effective because they increase the metabolic activity in the body. These ways also help improve digestive capacity. Shuddhi Ayurveda offers the weight loss package that works for:

  • Metabolism
  • Help in losing weight
  • Good for intestinal health
  • Helps control constipation
  • Decreases cholesterol
  • Reduces sugar
  • Increases immunity
  • Has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory qualities
  • Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • Good for diabetes, lung issues, chest pain, water retention, osteoarthritis, heart diseases.
  • Balances hormones and has anti-aging properties
  • Skin issues, cough, headaches, acidity, improves hair growth, and digestive disorders
  • Anti-obesity properties

Other effective Ayurvedic remedies for weight loss include saunf, punarnava, giloy, trikatu, and mulethi. Herbs are beneficial for the body and have the capability of giving good results. They boost immunity and help balance the human body physically and mentally by keeping the mind, spirit, and soul healthy.

Read More: Natural and Ayurvedic Herbs for Weight Gain

Most Common Symptoms of Heart Failure and Heart Problems You Need To Know

Heart failure is a scary word and can frighten most of us. But, you need to understand that this does not mean that the heart has given up and stopped working. It indicates that the heart has become sluggish and is not performing as well as it should. The pumping of blood is not as efficient as before. Finally, the heart stops functioning. To understand more, let us see the most common symptoms of heart failure.

Heart Failure Facts:

There are a few facts that we need to know about heart failure:

As you get older, you need to understand that your heart is in a tender state and needs care. In fact, the chances of heart failure increase as your age. Women and men can develop heart failure. But, women are more likely to develop heart complications with age as compared to men. One of the main reasons for heart failure in women is high blood pressure. Also, shortness of breath is seen more in women than in men.

A Sedentary lifestyle and lack of appropriate physical activity can cause heart complications.

Metabolic syndromes or diabetes is one of the leading causes of heart failure.

Genetics plays a major role in cardiovascular diseases.

High stress, Obesity, smoking, and increased cholesterol levels can cause heart failure.

Symptoms of Heart Failure

Symptoms of heart failure can be mild or severe, evident, or remain latent and hidden. Does that mean heart failure is cured? No, a strained heart will not function properly and needs immediate attention. Heart failure worsens over time. Pay attention to the symptoms and report any new development or worsening symptoms. Keep a lookout for:

1. Shortness of Breath or Dyspnea:

An individual may face trouble while breathing, especially during exercise. The shortness of breath irritates when the person lies down flat in bed or while resting. In this case, the fluid goes into the lungs and the body gets deprived of oxygen-rich blood. If you are woken up from sleep at night and feel breathless, get medical assistance instantly.

2. Weakness in the Legs:

This happens because of poor blood circulation.

3. Tiredness and Fatigue: 

This condition occurs because of a lack of oxygen-rich blood. The muscles and organs get deprived of proper blood flow, and the body feels exhausted.

4. Inflammation in Abdomen, Ankles, and Legs:

If the kidneys are unable to filter the blood properly, the body gathers water and extra fluid. This leads to unnecessary weight gain and swelling called edema.

5. Frequent Urination at Night or Nocturia:

Due to gravity, the kidneys receive more blood flow in the supine and lying down position. This leads to the production of excess urine, and the urge to urinate increases.

6. Confusion, Lack of Concentration, Dizziness, and Fainting:

The symptoms show up because the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to the brain. The brain gets deprived of oxygen, and this becomes evident by confusion and dizziness.

7. Palpitations/ Irregular or Rapid Beating of the Heart:

The heart beats and takes the oxygen-rich blood to different parts of the body. But what happens if the heart is not able to pump forcefully? Muscles and organs need oxygen-rich blood. In this case, the heart beats faster to take care of the demands of the body, thus, causing palpitations and discomfort. If the potassium levels in the body increase or the heart enlarge, you may develop an irregular heartbeat.

8. Racking Cough: 

A dry cough can irritate a person who is heading for heart failure. This happens because extra fluid starts gathering in the lungs in the resting position.

9. Bloated stomach:

Stomach problems are common with people who have heart-related diseases. The person complains of a bloated stomach, nausea, upset stomach, and loss of appetite.

Different Kinds of Heart Diseases:

Heart problems or cardiovascular diseases are of different kinds and manifest in the body with their own symptoms. We all need to get back our health and work well again to improve the quality of our life. To get a clearer picture of the facts regarding heart failure, we need to understand the different types of heart problems that we can face:

  1. Coronary Artery Disease or CAD:

This is one of the most common heart diseases. In this heart condition, the coronary arteries may develop blockages and are called atherosclerosis. The Blood travels from the heart to different parts of the body and back to the heart muscle. If the blood vessels supplying blood develop a blockage, then the smooth flow of blood is disrupted. The heart muscle does not receive adequate blood and gets deprived of oxygen. Now, oxygen is essential for the circulatory system, and if there is a hardening of the arteries, the blood flow is affected. Coronary heart disease shows up as:

a). Angina or acute Pain in the chest.

b). Heart attack 

2. Heart failure is, normally, a result of coronary heart disease, but it may also occur due to high blood pressure, thyroid problems, cardiomyopathy, etc.

1. Heart failure with decreased left ventricular function: In this case, the lower-left ventricle enlarges and cannot contract properly. This condition affects the flow of blood to the rest of the body. The oxygen-rich blood decreases because the ventricle is not squeezed enough and cant pump adequately. The blood containing oxygen is unable to reach the organs and rest of the body.

2. Heart Failure with Preserved Left Ventricular Function:  In this condition, the bottom heart chambers get stiff and thicken. Due to this, the ventricles can’t fill up completely with blood, and the blood quantity in the ventricles reduces. Further, the blood reduces, and a lesser amount is pumped across the body during the heart contraction. The body gets deprived of the oxygen level it needs. 

3. Heart Arrhythmias: An irregular beating pattern of the heart leads to a condition called heart arrhythmia. This may be a result of other heart problems or may happen because of some other medical condition.

4. Heart valve problems: The heart has four chambers with four valves. These valves permit blood flow and restrict blood within the four chambers of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. If the valve is not working properly or it develops an abnormality, then it will not open or close on time. Due to this complication, the blood flow is disturbed. 

Now, either the blood leaks or the flow is blocked. How can the heart work properly in such a case?

a) Endocarditis is a life-threatening disease that is a result of a bacterial infection that travels through the blood and affects the heart

b) Rheumatic heart disease develops when rheumatic fever affects the heart valves and heart muscle.

5. Pericardial disease happens when the Sac or pericardium surrounding the heart, inflames or swells up. Pericardial disease happens due to a punctured or injured pericardium, viral infection, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or other inflammatory diseases.

6. Cardiomyopathy: This is also called Heart Muscle Disease. If the myocardium or heart muscle gets thickened or excessively stretched, the heart weakens and can’t pump blood. Exposure or reaction to substances with high toxin content, for example, alcohol or drugs, results in this condition. Cardiomyopathy may also show up because of genetic heart conditions, though the exact reason is unknown.

7. Congenital heart disease: Congenital heart disease manifests itself in the unborn baby. The heart abnormality develops when the heart is still forming. Many times the symptoms are mild and show up only when the person turns into an adult. One of the most common heart problems due to a congenital predisposition results in a hole in the heart. The hole develops in the walls separating the left and right chamber of the heart, causing clean blood to mix with unclean blood. Similarly, ductus arteriosus and pulmonary stenosis are also heart abnormalities caused by congenital defects.

Heart failure is a grave health condition that can lead to hospitalization in many people, so you need to recognize the common symptoms of heart failure. It is a serious health problem that can lead to many medical complications in individuals older than 65 years. If you are suffering from heart failure, then understand that you need to improve the quality of your life and take care of your health and balance.  

What Are The Difference Between Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes, also known as Diabetes mellitus , is one of the most common health conditions many people suffer from. It basically occurs when there is excess glucose in the blood. On the other hand diabetes insipidus is a rare condition that has nothing to do anything with blood sugar or pancreas. When it comes to the types, there are 2 types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Both of these types are chronic and can affect the way your body regulates glucose and blood sugar. Glucose is basically a fuel that feeds the body’s cells, but to enter your cells, it needs insulin. Understanding the difference between these types of diabetes and Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes treatment is essential to control it before it becomes worse. So, let’s know about these two types of diabetes in detail.

How does Diabetes Affect the Body?

Whether you have diabetes mellitus and Insipidus one thing is obvious, both of them can affect the body differently. People with diabetes mellitus don’t produce insulin, whereas people with diabetes insipidus also don’t respond to insulin and don’t even make enough of it.

Symptoms of Diabetes mellitus and Insipidus

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are similar and different in their own ways. Some symptoms of both types are quite similar such as:

  1. Feeling too much hungry and thirsty
  2. Urge to urinate frequently
  3. Blurry vision
  4. Feeling too tired
  5. Having sores or cuts that don’t heal properly
  6. Unintentional weight loss
  7. Mood changes
  8. Numbness and tingling in their feet and hands.

In fact, many people with Insipidus won’t see symptoms for several years, and their symptoms usually develop over the years. On the other hand, the symptoms of mellitus diabetes can be seen quickly. Also known as juvenile diabetes, type 1 diabetes generally occurs in adolescence or childhood. But in some cases, it may develop later in life.

Causes of Diabetes

Diabetes can result from different causes, and it is important to know about the causes before you opt for type 2 or type 1 diabetes treatment. The following are the causes responsible for diabetes mellitus and Insipidus.

The immune system of the body is fighting off invaders like harmful bacteria and viruses. In Diabetes Mellitus, the immune system mistakes the body’s healthy cells for these foreign invaders. The immune system destroys as well as attacks the insulin-producing beta cells known as the pancreas, and thus, their body stops producing insulin.

  • Causes of type 2 Diabetes

In people with diabetes Insipidus, their bodies still produce insulin but are not able to use it properly. They are insulin-resistant. However, researchers are also not sure why these people become insulin-resistant. But maybe lifestyle factors that can contribute such as too much weight and being inactive. Also, environmental and genetic factors also play a major role. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas will make efforts to compensate by producing more insulin as your body cannot use it effectively, glucose will gather in the bloodstream.

Risk Factors

Both types of diabetes come with certain risk factors. So, before things get worse, it is vital to opt for the right type 1 or type 2 diabetes treatment.

Risk Factors Associated with Diabetes Mellitus

  1. Type 1 diabetes is most commonly seen in children and adolescents
  2. People with a family history are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes by themselves
  3. This type of diabetes is most common in people living far away from the equator.
  4. Certain genes also increase the risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

Risk Factors Associated with Insipidus

  1. Physically inactive
  2. More than 45 years of age
  3. Obese or carrying too much weight
  4. Have prediabetes or elevated blood sugar levels
  5. Too much belly fat
  6. Have diabetes during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes
  7. Given birth to a baby weight over 9 pounds
  8. Have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  9. Family history of type 2 diabetes


The basic test for diagnosing both diabetes mellitus and Insipidus is the Glycated hemoglobin test or A1C. This blood test finds out the average blood sugar level for the last 2-3 months. To perform this test, your doctor will draw your blood by pricking your finger. If your blood sugar levels have been higher over the past few months, you have a higher level of A1C. Generally, an AC1 level of 6.5% indicates diabetes.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes

Whether you are looking for the safest and most effective type 2 diabetes treatment or type 1 diabetes, Ayurveda has covered you. In Ayurveda, Diabetes is termed ‘Madhumeh,’ suggesting avoiding taking carbohydrates and excess sugar. In Ayurveda, there are three doshas explained- Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. When all three doshas are in perfect balance, you are considered a healthy person. According to Ayurveda experts, diabetes can result from the dysfunction of ‘Agni,’ which elevates the sugar level.

Luckily, when looking for effective diabetes mellitus and Insipidus treatment, you can visit Shuddhi, an ultimate destination for Ayurvedic treatments. Shuddhi Gluco Balance helps you to get relief from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is a perfect Ayurvedic medicine for those with symptoms such as neuropathy, general fatigue, polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia. It is made of Ayurvedic herbs for Diabetes like neem, methi, Vijyasar, amla, karela, Haldi, ashwagandha, giloy, gurmar, and Gokshura. These herbs are not only beneficial for managing diabetes but also improves digestion.

An Overview of Hernia and Types of Hernia

A hernia occurs when an internal organ pushes through a weak spot in your tissue or muscle. Mostly hernia occurs within the abdominal cavity, between the hips and chest. When a tissue or organ abnormally pushes out of the body’s cavity, it causes a hernia. Usually, it occurs in the abdomen between your hips and chest, but you can also see it in the groin and upper thigh areas. Although hernias are not life-threatening, they don’t always go away on their own. Sometimes, you may need surgery to avoid further complications. 

So, what is a hernia, and types of hernia? Can it be treated without operation? In this article, we read all aspects related to this disorder. 

What is Hernia?

Hernia generally occurs when fatty tissue or organ squeezes through connective tissue (fascia) or a weak area in a surrounding muscle. A hernia is of four types. Before getting the treatment, it is vital to understand the symptoms and type of hernia one has. 

Symptoms of Hernia

The symptoms of a hernia depend on the type you have. The following are the most noticeable symptoms of a hernia:

  • Lump or bulge in the affected area
  • Feel hernia through touch when coughing, bending down, or standing up.
  • Discomfort and pain around the lump area. 
  • Hiatal Hernias have more severe symptoms like trouble swallowing, chest pain, and heartburn.

However, hernias have no symptoms in several cases unless it shows during a medical exam or a routine physical checkout. If you find any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately and get it treated on time. 

Types of Hernia

The four types of hernia are:

💨 Inguinal hernia

This is the most common type of hernia which occurs when intestines tear in the lower abdominal wall in the inguinal canal or push through the weak spot. Inguinal hernia is more commonly seen in men than women. Basically, the inguinal canal is present in the groin. In men, it is the place where the spermatic cord passes from the abdominal to the scrotum. This cord is responsible for holding testicles. On the other hand, in women, the inguinal canal contains a ligament that aids holding the uterus in the right place. 

💨 Hiatal Hernia

The next type of hernia is hiatal hernia. It generally occurs when your stomach part obtrudes up through the diaphragm into the cavity of the chest. This diaphragm is usually a muscle sheet that helps you breathe by incurring and moving air into your lungs. Moreover, it separates the abdominal organs from the chest. Thus hernia type is most commonly seen in people over 50 years old. However, if any child has this condition, it is due to a congenital birth defect. Hiatal hernia is commonly caused due to gastroesophageal reflux that is when the contents in the stomach get leaked backward into the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation. 

💨 Umbilical hernia

This type of hernia is most commonly seen in babies and children. This occurs when the intestine bulges through the abdominal wall near the belly button. You can see a bulge near or on the belly button of your child, especially when they cry. Although, umbilical hernia goes away on its own when the muscles of the abdominal wall get stronger as the child becomes 1 or 2 years of age. In case, the hernia still persists by the age of 5, surgery is needed in order to treat it. Even this hernia type can occur to adults from repeated abdomen strain due to things like fluid in the abdomen, pregnancy, or obesity. 

💨 Ventral hernia

A ventral hernia is caused when tissues bulge through muscles opening of your abdomen. However, when lying down, you can see the size of the hernia reduces. This hernia can be present from birth but commonly acquired at some point in life. The common factors in this type of hernia include things such as pregnancy, strenuous activity, and obesity. Besides this, a Ventra hernia can also occur in the area of a surgical incision. This is known as an incisional hernia and can occur due to abdominal muscles weakness in the surgical area or surgical scarring. 


If left untreated, a hernia can cause severe complications. It can put excess pressure on tissues that cause pain and swelling. Moreover, a part of your intestine also becomes trapped in the abdominal wall known as incarceration. This condition can restrict bowel and cause constipation, nausea, or severe pain. If your intestines don’t get sufficient blood flow, you can have strangulation which makes intestinal tissue die or become infected. The symptoms that need instant medical attention are:

  • Fever
  • A red or purple bulge
  • Unable to pass gas or have normal bowel movements
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Worse pain

Ayurvedic Treatment of Hernia

If you are looking for the safest treatment for hernia without an operation, Ayurveda has got you covered! In Ayurveda, the hernia is known as Antra Vriddhi. This disorder is caused due to imbalance and increase of Vata. When Vata increases, it weakens the intestine and pulls it down, resulting in a hernia. Regardless of what types of hernia you have, Shuddhi Hernia Package can help you with the safest treatment. 

Shuddhi Ayurveda’s Hernia package contains Granthi Har Vati tablets, Dr. Immune tablets, Yakrit Soth Har Vati tablets, Sam Vati tablets, and 32 herbs tea. The package effectively treats hernia without operation, decreases hernia growth, and treats hemorrhoids and hypothyroidism. Besides this, it is also quite beneficial for acidity problems and chest pain while boosting your immunity and helping in organ repairs.

Congestive Heart Failure : Symptoms, Causes and Treatment in Ayurveda

Congestive heart failure is a severe condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood as it should. Although it has ‘heart failure’ in its name, it doesn’t mean that the heart stops working or literally failed, it means that heart muscles are contracting less overtime or have some mechanical issues. There is no cure for heart failure but congestive heart failure treatment helps to slow further damage and relieve symptoms. The treatment depends on various factors such as the patient’s stage, type of heart failure, the individual patient, and underlying conditions. In this article, we will talk about the best heart failure treatment available. So, let’s get started.

Different Types of Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure treatment depends on the type of condition you are into. There are basically two types of heart failure. 

√ Reduce Left ventricular function (HF-rEF)

In this type of heart failure, the lower left chamber of the heart gets enlarged and can’t contract hard to pump the right amount of oxygen-rich blood of your body.

√ Preserved Left Ventricular function (HF-pEF)

In this type of heart failure, the heart pumps and contracts normally, but ventricles become stiffer and thicker than normal. Due to this, the ventricles are unable to relax properly and fill up the way. Because of less blood in the ventricles, less blood is pumped to the body. 

Symptoms of Heart Failure

The major signs and symptoms of heart failure include

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing.
  • Fatigue and leg tiredness
  • Swelling in legs, abdomen, and ankles.
  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Confusion, dizziness, and fainting
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeats
  • A dry, hacking cough
  • Bloated and hard stomach

Causes of Heart Failure

Heart failure can be caused due to several conditions. Following are the causes of heart failure that are common. 

  • Coronary artery disease, which affects arteries that carry oxygen and blood to the heart.
  • Heart attack is when a coronary artery becomes blocked, and blood cannot flow to all areas of the heart muscle.
  • Cardiomyopathy, when the heart muscle is enlarged or damaged. It can be due to several factors such as drug abuse, genetics, smoking, viruses, pregnancy, and alcohol intake. 
  • Diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Heart defects by birth.
  • Arrhythmia, which is abnormal heart rhythms including atrial fibrillation. 
  • Obesity
  • Kidney disease
  • Illicit drug and tobacco use
  • Medications used for cancer treatment


The best way to prevent congestive heart failure is to keep a distance from the conditions that contribute to it. 

✅ Stop smoking

✅ Eat foods that contain little saturated fat, sodium, sugar, and trans fat.

✅ Lose weight if you are obese or overweight.

Follow treatment program precisely


Before starting the congestive heart failure treatment, your doctor will consider your family history, medical history, physical exams, and a few tests. These tests are:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)- This is a painless test that provides you information about the electrical activity of your heart. It includes if you have previous attacks and how fast your heart is beating.
  • Chest X-ray- This test includes a picture of lungs, heart, and other chest structures that shows if you have any signs of lung damage or if your heart is enlarged. 
  • BNP Blood test- In this test, the B-type natriuretic peptide hormone is tested. This is a market of prognosis and severity of heart failure. 
  • Echocardiogram- This test involves an ultrasound image of the heart. 
  • Holter monitor- This test measure the electrical activity of your heart. It is carried out by a portable device that you have to wear for a couple of days. 
  • Exercise stress test- In this test, you have to ride a stationary bicycle or walk on a treadmill to see how your heart is performing. If you can’t take this stress, stress can be induced with a help of a drug that causes the same reaction. 

Different Types of Heart Failure Treatments

As mentioned earlier, heart failure cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be controlled. The most common heart failure treatment are:

✅ Lifestyle changes- You should avoid salt as it causes fluid retention and also avoids caffeine.  

✅ Medications: Your doctor will suggest you a few medications such as Vasodilators, Diuretic, ACE inhibitors, Beta-blockers, Digital glycosides, antiplatelets, or anticoagulants. 

✅ Surgical Procedure-Surgery is recommended in more severe cases, such as replacing heart valves or bypass blocked arteries. Some CHF patients need a type of pacemaker known as biventricular pacing therapy that helps both sides of the heart work. Ventricular Assist Devices can be used as a transplant treatment. 

✅ Ayurvedic Treatment- Ayurveda believes that it is vital to clear toxins from channels and maintain good digestion in order to limit the accumulation of ama in the body. Luckily, several safe and effective Ayurvedic herbs can help you with congestive heart failure treatment. These are Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Pipal tvak (Ficus religiosa), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), and Dalchini (Cinnamon tamala). 

Congestive Heart Failure Treatment in Ayurveda

As mentioned earlier in the article, there is no cure for heart failure but you can control its signs and symptoms. Lifestyle changes, medications, and surgical procedures are the most talked-about treatments, Ayurveda is the most recommended one. In Ayurveda, CHF is known as hridya avrodh. It is caused due to imbalance of Kapha. In order to prevent CHF, it is important to eliminate excess salt, tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful substances that cause fluid accumulation. You should incorporate kapha pacifying meals. 

The top Ayurvedic herbs that rejuvenate your heart and are best for heart failure treatment are punarnava and Arjuna. They strengthen the circulatory system, support healthy heart function and reduce the accumulation of fluid. Punarnavadi Guggulu clears too much fluid from the lymph and reduces pressure on the heart. Ayurveda suggests that a combination of lifestyle and dietary changes and herbs can be beneficial for heart failure management. 

Shuddhi Ayurveda presents Shuddhi Heart Care Package that contains ingredients such as Immune tablet, Maha Amritam Churna, Cardi Sure+capsules, Divya Hrid Care capsules, and 32 herbs tea. The main ingredients used in the package are beneficial for heart problems, improve heart health, lowers blood pressure, improves heart functioning, and are good in lowering bad cholesterol levels

What Are The Differences Between PCOD vs PCOS?

Many people think PCOD and PCOS are the same diseases. These health concerns might have minor similarities, but both have significant differences, symptoms, and effects on the body. 

PCOD and PCOS are two different sorts of diseases linked with women’s health. And, today this blog is going to share some excellent details about the significant difference between PCOD and PCOS. So, all the time, if you didn’t know about the differences, then you can surely read this blog and collect more information. 

Therefore, without wasting time, take a look at the details presented below. 

💨 What Is PCOS?

PCOS is a health condition where the ovaries release many immature eggs, which eventually turn into cysts. This issue causes hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system. Stress and hormonal imbalance are the trigger points that cause enlargement of ovaries and excess secretion of androgen, which can cause irregular periods. And, it is said that symptoms of PCOS can be mild enough to cause any effect in the body. 

💨 What Is PCOD? 

PCOD is a hormonal condition in women when a mild measure of hormones is released, and ovaries discharge mature and immature eggs, which take formations of cysts. The symptoms of PCOD are highly visible on the body and causes difficulties like hair loss to irregular menstrual periods. 

💨 Symptoms Of PCOS 

  • Irregular Periods 
  • Heavy Bleeding 
  • Weight Gain 
  • Acne 
  • Male Pattern Baldness 
  • Darkening Of The Skin 
  • Headaches 

These are some common symptoms of PCOS, and dark patches on the skin can be other symptoms that can lead to PCOS. Also, women with PCOS can have trouble getting pregnant. 

💨 Symptoms Of PCOD 

  • Acne 
  • Weight Gain 
  • Hair growth on body and face 
  • Hair Thinning 
  • Irregular periods or Heavy bleeding periods 
  • Depression 
  • Fertility Issue 

These are the common symptoms of PCOD that can affect health adversely. And, if you suffer from any of these symptoms, it can be an accurate sign of PCOD. 

💨 What Are The Differences

To learn about the difference between PCOD & PCOS you can check out the details that are shared below. 

✅ Characteristics 

– PCOS affects the entire endocrine system. 

– PCOD causes hormonal imbalance


– PCOS can cause metabolic syndrome, which can be serious. 

– PCOD can be managed by bringing healthier and positive changes in lifestyle and diet. 


– In PCOS, in the ultrasound images, the ovaries will appear more prominent than usual. 

– In PCOD, ovaries are filled with follicles, and they will not appear larger like PCOS affected ovaries.


– PCOS can occur due to hereditary reasons, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, and insulin resistance

– PCOD occurs due to obesity, hormonal imbalance, emotional stress, unhealthy diet habits 

Effects On Pregnancy 

– In PCOS, due to hormone dysregulation, it becomes challenging to conceive. In PCOS, a woman can suffer from a higher risk of miscarriage. 

– In PCOD, with the help of healthy lifestyle changes, women can become pregnant. 


– In PCOS, a woman has a higher risk of suffering from obesity, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and endometrial cancer.

– In PCOD, there are no life-threatening complications. 

💨 Prevention Methods For PCOS & PCOD 

A healthy diet routine and positive lifestyle changes can help deal with PCOS & PCOD. Similarly, these both conditions share different differences, but prevention methods can indeed be similar, which can help to control these two conditions effortlessly. 

Step Towards Fit Lifestyle 

Keep yourself motivated towards exercises, meditation, workouts and good sleep patterns to balance the hormone levels. 

Weight Loss Is The Key 

To deal with the issue of PCOD & PCOS, you can indeed look forward to balancing your weight to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the symptoms without any hassle. 

Healthy Diet 

To prevent PCOD & PCOS naturally, you can surely improve your eating habits. Healthy diets can only help you to tackle the problem of PCOS & PCOD effortlessly. 

Other Solution 

Ayurvedic remedies can help to reduce the risk of PCOD & PCOS. Ayurvedic treatments contain various natural components and nutrients which can help to treat the symptoms naturally without any side effects. 


We hope that this blog has shared all the excellent details and differences between PCOD and PCOS. Therefore, whether you have PCOD or PCOS, it is essential to take care of health in the best way. Good diet, exercises, yoga, and stress control is the only way to lead a better life. Thus, if you want to know more about the difference between PCOD or PCOS, you can surely explore our website and learn more. 

Top Ayurvedic Tips To Treat Dry Cough & Cold

Common cold and dry cough are some of the common health issues among everyone.

In this modern era, as pollution has increased drastically similarly, it caused more health hazards. As a result, common cold, respiratory allergies, dry cough, runny nose and sore throat can cause discomfort in the body. And, it is crucial to understand that to deal with these respiratory health conditions, you need good immunity. Apart from that, natural remedies can be highly effective for treating cold and cough. And, effective ayurvedic cough syrup for dry cough is available, which can help to treat the cough and cold naturally.

Well, ayurvedic remedies are the best remedies that can help to treat cold and cough naturally. These remedies contain various natural components and antioxidants, which helps to boost immunity and prevents your body from diseases, infections, and allergies. If you want the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Cold and Cough, then you can take a look at the details shared below.

Overview: Common Cold & Cough

Common colds and cough begin with a sore throat. When your body catches an infection or unwanted bacteria, then it signifies the sign of Flu. A runny nose, sore throat, extreme fatigue can be the significant signs of a cold.

Similarly, in a dry cough, you’ll feel your chest is congested, and can trigger asthma if the cough stay up for a long run. Dry cough requires much more care than cold. But, you can get ayurvedic cough syrup for dry cough to treat this problem without any hassle. 


It is essential to understand that cold, flu and cough will have similar symptoms. Sneezy and stuffed up nose, fatigue, sore throat, sinus pressure, constant sneezing, dry congestion, watery eyes, headache, and continuous coughing are the significant signs of common cold and cough.

And, to treat cold and cough, you can undoubtedly rely on ayurvedic treatment for cold to get effective and natural relief without any hassle.

Top Ayurvedic Treatments Available For Cold & Cough 

Ayurvedic remedies are considered the best food for the body. These remedies are crafted from the natural materials of nature and contain a high amount of nutrients for maintaining good health and immunity. And to know more about the best ayurvedic treatment for cold, you can take a look at the details shared below.

Healthy Diet 
During cold and cough, healthy food like vegetables, fruits and drinking a proper amount of water can help tackle the infection naturally. For example, you can drink hot vegetable soup, soup infused with herbs , oatmeal, vitamin-C enriched fruits to treat the cold.

Similarly, green leafy vegetables, ginger and honey are the other best food items that can help you stay fit to fight against cold and cough.

Ayurvedic Herbs

  • Tulsi: It is known as the “Mother Medicine of Nature”, and it contains a high amount of antioxidants like beta carotene and nutrients, which can help fight against cold and cough naturally. In addition, you can consume warm ginger tulsi tea to get relief from sore throat and nasal congestion.
  • Ginger:  It is loaded with high amounts of antimicrobial properties and antioxidants like 6-gingerol, which can help to provide relief from cold, sore throat, and discomfort of coughing. Well, ginger tea and ginger juice can surely help you quickly relieve cold and cough naturally.
  • Mulethi: If you want a better and effective remedy for congestion, then Mulethi can surely help you get relief. Mulethi is an excellent natural remedy that contains flavonoids, which helps to fight against cough and cold symptoms. Mulethi Kadha and Muletji tea is the best ayurvedic remedy for treating congestion.
  • Cinnamon: The spicy and sweet flavor of cinnamon can provide relief from cold and cough. In addition, this woody spice contains a high amount of polyphenols and nutrients, which can help to treat sore throat naturally.

Giloy: It is one of the finest remedies that can help to treat cold, tonsillitis, cough and congestion issues. Giloy is also the best herb that can help to boost immunity to fight against every health issue. Giloy Juice is the best ayurvedic remedy for treating cold.

Drink Warm Fluids 

If you want to get relief from cold, cough, and congestion, then you can drink more herbal tea, warm water, and warm soup to bring soothing relief from sore throat, nasal congestion, and runny nose. Moreover, honey ginger tea, chamomile tea, vegetable soup broth, and warm kadha are the best remedies for ayurvedic treatment for cold.

Apart from that, you can also avail the best ayurvedic remedies by Shuddhi Ayurveda. This top leading Ayurveda brand assures to craft and delivers 100% natural herbal remedies for everyone.

Similarly, you can choose ginger, tulsi, mulethi-infused ayurvedic cough syrup for dry cough that can help to treat signs and symptoms of cold and cough from the roots. Choosing a herbal cough syrup can help to treat cold and cough naturally. And, Ayurvedic Cough Syrup or dry cough can help to provide faster relief to treat dry cough and cold naturally.

Therefore, if you want a reliable and side-effect-free ayurvedic remedy for treating cold, you can undoubtedly rely on Shuddhi Ayurveda. 


Therefore, we believe that you’ve got the correct answer for cold and cough treatment. Yes, you can undoubtedly rely on ayurvedic treatment for cold and cough and avail the best services by Shuddhi Ayurveda.

At Shuddhi Ayurveda, you can avail of ayurvedic cough syrup for dry cough, which can offer adequate nutrients and antioxidants for treating cold and cough from its roots.

Thus, if you want to lead a healthy and good life without any stress or diseases, then you can contact Shuddhi Ayurveda today or explore their website to know more.

Ayurvedic Capsules for Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is one of the most common health issues many people face.  In ancient science, Ayurveda has provided some natural remedies that can help in controlling blood pressure level. Although western medication can help, today, you can find many herbal medications including Ayurvedic capsules for blood pressure made by natural herbs. These capsules are made under the supervision of Ayurvedic experts and ensure that they meet quality standards. So, before we talk about the best Ayurvedic capsules and other medication for blood sugar. 

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is basically a force that transfers blood via the circulatory system. It is a crucial force as nutrients and oxygen would be pushed across the circulatory system to nourish organs and tissues. Moreover, blood pressure is also essential as it delivers antibodies and blood cells for hormones like insulin. Fresh blood is as important as nutrients and oxygen in the body as it is to pick up the metabolism waste products, including carbon dioxide that we exhale with every breath.  

Although blood carries a wide assortment of properties like temperature. It carries defence against the clotting platelets and tissue damage that avoids any blood loss due to injury. Our heart basically creates blood pressure by moving our blood forcely when it contracts with every heartbeat.

Kinds of Hypertension or High Blood Pressure 

There are two kinds of hypertension. 

I) Essential or Primary Hypertension: 

This is all the more generally seen among individuals. However, the main reasons for this condition are still unknown. In any case, hereditary qualities and a poor lifestyle assume an imperative part in building up this condition. 

ii) Secondary Hypertension: 

When a specific medical condition or drug can raise blood pressure, it is known as secondary hypertension. A portion of the medical conditions that cause secondary hypertension are

  • Hunger suppressants
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Overdose of alcohol
  • Using drugs like cocaine
  • Side effects of birth control pills

According to the recommended level, keeping up blood pressure is essential to avoid life-threatening illnesses, for example, heart fall flat or coronary episode or stroke. Prudent steps are important to monitor the blood pressure level. Alongside receiving sound propensities, a total body test would likewise helpful to become acquainted with your present ailment. 

While high blood pressure might not have specific symptoms, yet a couple of them may incorporate migraines, windedness, or nosebleeds. At times, hypertension might not have signs and symptoms, regardless of whether blood pressure is arriving at life-threatening levels. Ayurveda, the antiquated science, has given us some common remedies that may help settle blood pressure and keep your heart sound. While medications endorsed by the doctor may help, these straightforward Ayurvedic remedies can be brought to use.

Normal Blood Sugar Level

For many individuals, around 80-19 mm of sugar per deciliter prior to the means and 80 to 140 after meals is considered normal. According to the American Diabetes Association, most non-pregnant women from diabetes must have 80-130 milligrams before means and 180 mg/dl less after starting the meal. The changes in blood sugar levels before and after meals shows how the body stores and absorbs glucose. After you had your meal, your body usually breaks down carbs into smaller parts from foods, including glucose. 

How to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Under Control

Well, there are several ways to keep blood pressure in control.Some of these ways include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Weight is the main factor that affects the blood sugar level. So, talk to your health provider and know your ideal weight. Based on that, you can start with your weight loss program.

  • Improve Diet

Diet also plays a vital role in your blood sugar level. So, make sure you are choosing unprocessed food such as vegetables and fruits. Make sure to avoid prepared and highly processed foods. Any food containing carbs such as crackers and cookies can spike insulin levels and put pressure on your pancreas. Also, prevent adding saturated fat in your diet rather opt for high-fiber and saturated foods. Add vegetables, spices, herbs and nuts to your diet. 

  • Involve in some Physical Activity

Physical activity is also essential for controlling blood pressure level. A brisk walk of half an hour daily can help in increasing insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. 

  • Check your Minerals and Insulin levels Checked

According to a research, magnesium plays an essential role in assisting insulin. Therefore, it provides sufficient magnesium level which reduces the chances of getting insulin-tolerant. Beside that, several doctors test your blood sugar and A1C test that detects type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. So, make sure to get your insulin checked. 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Controlling Blood Pressure

Make sure you consult a doctor or a certified Ayurvedic expert before switching to these Ayurvedic capsules for blood pressure, as taking medications and following these remedies simultaneously may only end up dropping your blood pressure significantly. Stay healthy!

At Shuddhi Ayurveda, we offer the best medication for treating high and low blood pressure, including Ayurvedic capsules for blood Pressure. Get in touch with Shuddhi Ayurveda experts and get the right herbal medication now!